A list of Summer 2024 internships for software engineering, updated automatically everyday
for those seeking software engineering internships
💼 Your own AI-powered voice interviewer for hiring.
#Awesome#List of my favourite recruitment things 💫
#面试#List of interview questions... For candidates! Pick your next company wisely
A list of new grad positions for software engineering, updated automatically everyday
#面试#A path to getting an awesome tech gig 💼
Staff scraper library for LinkedIn - obtain experiences, schools, skills & contact info
#网络爬虫#A simple LinkedIn profile scraper implemented as a chrome extension
Applicant Management at Any Scale. Currently WIP! :D
A collection of Recruiting & Talent resources to help Technical Talent professionals build high-performing organizations
#Awesome#A curated awesome list of talent sourcing resources - tools, Chrome extensions, websites, etc. Feel free to contribute! 🔎
#自然语言处理#AI end-to-end Service that writes a personalized cover letter using gpt4.
#前端开发#Instruções e detalhes sobre ser um Frontend Engineer no Guiabolso
Your Github fame is getting closer with every open-source project you've built and promoted, with every new follower starring, using and forking your solution. This extension supplements every Github ...