Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
翻译 - 繁体中文和简体中文之间的转换
🐼 Chinese translations for classic software development resources
【GitHub Desktop】客户端中文汉化(简体);【GitHub Desktop】 Simplified Chinese interface;(GitHub桌面版 中文汉化,非网页插件)
可免费商用的大字符集宋体字库,以OFL协议发布。/A large character set fonts in Songti(Mincho) style. Licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1.
#Awesome#🤓 Build your own (insert technology here) simplified chinese version
The JavaScript version of Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC)
Swift port of OpenCC for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
#人脸识别#Machine Learning APIs for common use cases, include: General OCR (Simplified/Traditional Chinese), Custom OCR, Image Similarity, Object Recognition, Face Detection, Face Comparison, Human Image Segmen...
The Make-A-Lisp Process 中文翻译,如何写一个Lisp解释器
Converts from Chinese characters to pinyin, between simplified and traditional, and does word segmentation.
The .NET version of OpenCC(Open Chinese Convert), for the conversion between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
繁化姬的 Sublime Text 插件
#自然语言处理#简繁转换 簡繁轉換 Python implementation of StarCC, the next generation of Simplified-Traditional Chinese conversion framework
粵語拼音自動標註工具 Cantonese Pronunciation Automatic Labeling Tool