支持Xray / V2Ray(vmess / vless),Shadowsocks,SSR,Trojan,NaïveProxy,Trojan-go通用客户端(Windows)!默认基于xray核心!本程序采用aardio设计与开发!
ShadowsocksX-NG-R for MacOS, ShadowsocksR
科学上网 PAC 成品文件以及生成器。可自定义代理域名和直连域名。不在自定义名单里的域名再按IP匹配,CNIP走直连,其他走代理,支持IPv6
ShadowsocksX-NG-R: Shadowsocks(R) Client for MacOS
😎 a powful shadowsocks client for deepin
冷莫(trli)的规则唯一一个提供全球比较全的库Cold Mo (TRLI) rules is the only one to provide a global comparison of the library.
Forwarder is a production-ready, fast MITM proxy with PAC support. It's suitable for debugging, intercepting and manipulating HTTP traffic. It's used as a core component of Sauce Labs Sauce Connect Pr...
The Power Platform VSCode extension makes it easy to manage Power Platform environments and allows the developer to create, build and deploy Power Platform solutions, packages and portals.
⛔️ 🚫 ⚠️ 从 Greatfire Analyzer 爬取的在中国大陆被屏蔽的域名列表。Domains blocked in China mainland crawled from Greatfire Analyzer.
A personalized/enhanced re-creation of the Darkhotel "Double Star" APT exploit chain with a focus on Windows 8.1 and mixed with some of my own techniques
翻译 - 对Darkhotel“ Double Star” APT利用链进行个性化/增强的重新创建,重点是Windows 8.1,并结合了我自己的一些技巧
Rule snippets for proxy traffic to popular China-based service providers
EasyList Tracker and Adblocks to Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) File and Privoxy Actions and Filters