Sing-box 全家桶 --- 一键多协议脚本
Chnroutes rules for routers、Shadowrocket、Quantumult、acl、v2rayNG、v2rayN、pac、v2rayA、dae、RouterOS、v2ray、sing-box config file.
The Script Gathers Juicity, Hysteria, Tuic, Vless, Vmess, Trojan, and Shadowsocks Configurations From Telegram Channels and Subscription Links
Scripts parse vmess:// links into v2ray config json and vice versa.
🌥 Iran cloudflare Domain list 🌍
Batch Test v2ray fragment values to see which one works best on your network.
Get V2ray configs from various Telegram channels and split them by protocol - UDP Based Hysteria2 and TUIC included.