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The Script Gathers Juicity, Hysteria, Tuic, Vless, Vmess, Trojan, and Shadowsocks Configurations From Telegram Channels and Subscription Links
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Scripts parse vmess:// links into v2ray config json and vice versa.
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Sing-box one-click script [Vless-reality, Vmess-ws, Vless-grpc,Hysteria2, Tuic5]: supports Argo tunnel, self-signed/acme certificate node . Qr code. Telegram push node
Create a reverse tunnel using FRP with load balancing between multiple servers (10) Kharej Servers | (1) Iran Server/s and vice versa] using either Native IPV6 or Private IPs & Tunnel Broker
Batch Test v2ray fragment values to see which one works best on your network.