v2rayA 是一个支持全局透明代理的 V2Ray Linux 客户端,同时兼容SS、SSR、Trojan(trojan-go)、PingTunnel协议。致力于提供最简单的操作,满足绝大部分需求。
Multi-user anti-filtering panel, with an effortless installation and supporting more than 20 protocols to circumvent filtering plus the telegram proxy.
An advanced Web Panel • Built for SagerNet/Sing-Box
Sing-box 全家桶 --- 一键多协议脚本
Install sing-box/xray and configure vless / tuic / hysteria2 / shadowtls for reality or tls (letsencrypt) over different transport protocols (tcp, http, grpc and websocket) with user management capabi...
The Script Gathers Juicity, Hysteria, Tuic, Vless, Vmess, Trojan, and Shadowsocks Configurations From Telegram Channels and Subscription Links
Shahan Vpn Panel With Add/Delete Users - Online Users - Limit Users
Hysteria2, TUIC, Reality, ShadowTLS, WebSocket, gRPC, Naive and Warp installer script + client side config examples
This script automates setting up proxy related tools in Linux.
Next generation proxy service management system (OSS Edition)
Sing-box one-click script [Vless-reality, Vmess-ws, Vless-grpc,Hysteria2, Tuic5]: supports Argo tunnel, self-signed/acme certificate node . Qr code. Telegram push node
This script is designed to retrieve configuration details for various VPN protocols (VLESS, VMess, Shadowsocks, and Trojan) from a list of Telegram channel URLs provided within the script. It uses cUR...
Get V2ray configs from various Telegram channels and split them by protocol - UDP Based Hysteria2 and TUIC included.