Xray panel supporting multi-protocol multi-user expire day & traffic & IP limit (Vmess & Vless & Trojan & ShadowSocks & Wireguard)
Xray、Tuic、hysteria2、sing-box 八合一一键脚本
install latest or LTS linux kernel and enable BBR or BBR plus
翻译 - 一键安装 trojan v2ray xray. Install v2ray / xray (VLESS) and trojan (trojan-go) script
Sing-box 全家桶 --- 一键多协议脚本
Bot showing the volume and remaining subscription x-ui panel
Подробная инструкция (как в pdf, так и в md формате) о настройке своего совбственного Xray-VPS-сервера (с протоколом VLESS XTLS-Reality через панель 3x-ui), а также настройке клиентских приложений (ПК...
✅Sing-BOX auto one-key script installer [Vless-Reality, VMESS-WS (TLS), Hysteria2, TUIC5]: try cloudflared ARGO tunnel, dual certificate switch, multiple port jump, custom domain name diversion. Displ...
Simple xray reality setup script which aims to minimize the effort to set your proxy server up
1 Click Xray - VMess, VLESS, Trojan, SS & SS 2022 | XTLS-VISION, TCP TLS, Websocket, HTTPupgrade & gRPC
VPNexus: The Ultimate Server, Tunnel, VPN, ... Setup Script Just in a few clicks
Install 3x-ui + SSL certificate