A personalized/enhanced re-creation of the Darkhotel "Double Star" APT exploit chain with a focus on Windows 8.1 and mixed with some of my own techniques
翻译 - 对Darkhotel“ Double Star” APT利用链进行个性化/增强的重新创建,重点是Windows 8.1,并结合了我自己的一些技巧
#IOS#Tournament bracket view for iOS. Developed in swift.
A small tiny little binary to fix undesired mouse double clicks in Windows, written in Rust. Minimal executable with little to no overhead.
#计算机科学#Targeted maximum likelihood estimation (TMLE) enables the integration of machine learning approaches in comparative effectiveness studies. It is a doubly robust method, making use of both the outcome ...
Generic : Double tap to wake for Any Android Kernel (Need To Rebuild) (Dont use This Present )