A software attempt to address the "double key press" issue on Apple's butterfly keyboard [not actively maintained]
翻译 - 一种软件尝试解决Apple蝶形键盘上的“双键按下”问题
↩ Strongly typed, concurrent mode-safe React hooks
🕦 Modern Timer in Swift, Debouncer and Throttler (alternative to NSTimer) made with GCD
💨 The 3 most useful ES7 decorators: bind, debounce and memoize
A lightweight Objective-C message throttle and debounce library.
A responsive state manager which allows you to run different javascript at different browser widths
Helpful decorators for typescript projects
Arduino library for debouncing momentary contact switches, detect press, release, long press and sequences with event definitions and callbacks.
Arduino library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses
Debounce your API calls easily and stay in promised land.
☄️ Effector operators library delivering modularity and convenience ✨
Decorators for web and node applications
A small JavaScript throttle & debounce implementation.
A React higher order component to debounce the rendering of your React components
⏱→ 🚀A set of tools for improving performance your application (balancer, performance, PerfKeeper, LazyPromise).
#IOS#A lite Objective-C library for throttle and debounce, supporting leading and trailing. 节流/限流/防反跳/防重复点击/防重复调用