#网络爬虫#📙 中华新华字典数据库。包括歇后语,成语,词语,汉字。
#数据仓库#(CGCSTCD'2017) An easy, flexible, and accurate plate recognition project for Chinese licenses in unconstrained situations. CGCSTCD = China Graduate Contest on Smart-city Technology and Creative Desig...
翻译 - 在不受限制的情况下,针对中国牌照的简单,灵活和准确的车牌识别项目。
#计算机科学#Learning Chinese Character style with conditional GAN
🇨🇳 功能全面的汉字工具库 (拼音 笔画 偏旁 成语 语音 可视化等) (Chinese character util)
用以创建 Unity TextMeshPro 中文字体,3500 / 7000 常用汉字库、符号库。Used to create Unity TextMeshPro Chinese font.
WIN10/11 自带微软五笔码表与短语替换与管理工具( 可将系统五笔一键替换为郑码、小鹤音形、表形码等 ),软件仅930KB( 绿色免安装 ),已自带郑码、小鹤音形、表形码、五笔86、98、091、新世纪等输入法的各种流行码表。
#安全#Abracadabra 魔曰,下一代文本脱敏和加密工具
Pure JavaScript library for converting Hanzi to Pinyin.
Program that counts the amount of CJK characters based on Unicode ranges and Chinese encoding standards 字体汉字计数软件
汉字拆字库,可以将汉字拆解成偏旁部首,在机器学习中作为汉字的字形特征 | Hanzi Decomposition Library allows Chinese characters to be broken down into radicals and components, which can be used as character shape features in machine lear...
Can CNNs transliterate Pinyin into Chinese characters correctly?
Draw animated Japanese characters (Kanji and Kana), Korean characters (Hanja) and Chinese characters (Hanzi) in correct stroke order using svg, free open-source code.
既适合程序员,也适合中文电子文字整编人员(in beta)。汉字繁、简、异、兼、笔、变等关联关系可视化。非寻常汉字字符、同形字符攻击、不可打印字符等检视工具。结合OpenCC、Unicode等数据 | Chinese characters relations or vatiants (simplified, traditional etc) visualization. Potential Uni...
The JavaScript version of Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC)
A Simplified-Chinese-to-Traditional-Chinese font based on GenYoMin, which can handle the one-to-many problem | 繁媛明朝是基於源樣明體開發的簡轉繁字型,能處理一簡對多繁
Learn, read, write and practice Mandarin by drawing strokes in Anki Desktop, AnkiDroid and AnkiMobile with audio of HSK 2.0 (HSK1-6) and HSK 3.0 (HSK 1-9) characters.
Handwritten Chinese Characters Generation
emacs minor-mode to add space between Chinese/Japanese/Korean and English characters.