用以创建 Unity TextMeshPro 中文字体,3500 / 7000 常用汉字库、符号库。Used to create Unity TextMeshPro Chinese font.
An open-source Unity package for animating TextMeshPro text with customizable effects. Includes ready-to-use samples, real-time previews, and per-vertex animation capabilities.
When using TextMeshPro in Unity Editor,we can create a Font Asset from a text file.Here are some text files.I think they can help you customize your own Font Asset.The more text files are coming soon.
Easily animate Unity text and apply other effects with custom tags
Mesh effect components for TextMeshPro in Unity.
翻译 - Unity中TextMeshPro的网格效果组件。
Unity Text Mesh Proでルビ(フリガナ)のタグを追加しました.
DissolveEffectForTMPro provide dissolve effect component for TextMeshPro in Unity.
A small extension that makes 3D text with Unity's TextMeshPro possible. It uses raymarching and a geometry shader to work around the limitations of TMP at the moment
ShinyEffectForTMPro provide shiny effect component for TextMeshPro in Unity.
Typewriter for TextMesh Pro. TMP_Typewriter prints out characters one by one. ( Required the DOTween. )
Tool that converts SpriteAtlas to TextMeshPro Sprite asset
Extend Unity TextMeshPro with custom tags and text animations
The ultimate Unity Text Mesh Pro helper package.
Script for drawing sprite from Text Mesh Pro atlases in UGUI
You can automatically update FontAsset when the character you want to include in FontAsset of TextMesh Pro is changed.
TextMesh ProでVRChatのワールド容量を増やさないためのフォールバックフォント 日本向け
This is the URP version of the Text Mesh Pro Billboard shader. Is a world text that is always facing the rendered camera.
【Unity】Text や TextMesh Pro のサイズをゲーム画面に可視化できるパッケージ