翻译 - 中文转拼音、拼音音调、拼音声母、拼音韵母、多音字拼音、姓氏拼音、拼音匹配
Pure JavaScript library for converting Hanzi to Pinyin.
#自然语言处理#A NLP package for Chinese text:Preprocessing, Tokenization, Chinese Fonts, Word Embeddings, Text Similarity and Sentiment Analysis 轻量级中文自然语言处理软件包
C++版本的汉字转拼音 Transfer chinese character to pinyin
A library for romanization of widely-used languages using common romanization systems.
Golang package for the community maintained Chinese-English dictionary (CC-CEDICT).
将汉字转为拼音。基于 luna_pinyin\pypinyin\clover-pinyin 数据。(共提供50W左右拼音数据)。基于 百度汉语数据(共抓取35W词组拼音数据) 。基于 jieba分词工具。
Python sort key methods for UTF-8 encoded Chinese character strings based on either Pinyin (pronunciation) or Bihua (strokes). 为UTF-8编码下的中文文字串提供类似英文字符串的排序功能:可分为以拼音排序和笔画数排序。一个包括4万多中文文字的数据文件为各种简体繁体的文本分析...
A website for learning chinese characters through flashcards. It covers the material from Integrated Chinese Level 1 Part 1, Third Edition.
chinese language data and dictionary
#网络爬虫#A simple extension that makes learning Chinese characters easier.
Create a personal REST API to translate Hanzi Chinese characters to Pinyin
🇨🇳📖A tiny react app to train Hanzi-Pinyin pairs of your exported Pleco file.
Write Chinese characters with Pinyin on top