Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北
#网络爬虫#📙 中华新华字典数据库。包括歇后语,成语,词语,汉字。
#计算机科学#由淺入深的深度學習資源 Collection of deep learning materials for everyone
Emacs 101 新手求生指南 - 一本讓你學 Emacs 不再學得靠北靠母的美好的新手求生指南
Simple conversion and localization between simplified and traditional Chinese using tables from MediaWiki.
PHP 中文工具包,支持汉字转拼音、拼音分词、简繁互转、数字、金额大写;QQ群:17916227
Chinese language vocabulary graph generation. Python/Flask tool that performs dictionary search and analysis on Chinese Hanzi characters. Lists to help with studying for the HSK exam. Beta version of ...
Modern JavaScript Tutorial in Chinese Traditional
PHP Chinese Conversion (中文繁簡轉換)
繁簡轉換函式庫 追求正確率 先解析詞性再繁簡轉換 繁體中文↔簡體中文轉換 Chinese converter between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
Converts between traditional and simplified Chinese
python3 game Mota 魔塔遊戲 Magic Tower by pygame
Crystal 官方文件的正體中文(臺灣)翻譯計劃
#自然语言处理#uncover old chinese textual parallels based on sound
Translator made fully in Python Vanilla that is able to translate in: Simplified Mandarin Chinese, Traditional Mandarin Chinese, Chinese Mandarin Pinyin, Chinese Cantonese, Cantonese Pinyin (Jyutping)...
#博客#Chinese blog guidelines for better visitor experience/中文博客倡议