Collection of Free English/Chinese Fonts for Commercial Use. 收录可商用的免费英文/汉字字体。
Excalidraw-CN 是支持中文手写和多画布的 Excalidraw 白板工具。Excalidraw-CN is a whiteboard supporting Chinese hand draw font and multi-canvas based on Excalidraw.
"jf open-huninn" ("jf open 粉圓") is an open-source Traditional Chinese typeface based on Kosugi Maru and Varela Round, adjusted by the designers at justfont for everyday use in Taiwan.
中文网字计划 (Chinese Webfont Project) 是一个免费的中文 web 字体库,支持在线加载及查看字体信息。Explore our free CJK web font library that enables online loading and font information viewing.
可免费商用的大字符集宋体字库,以OFL协议发布。/A large character set fonts in Songti(Mincho) style. Licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1.
个人喜欢的免费可商用中文字体 / Free commercial Chinese fonts / 無料商用中国語フォント
A free, open source bitmap font "BoutiqueBitmap9x9". 免費、開源的點陣字體《精品點陣體9×9》。 免费、开源的点阵字体《精品点阵体9×9》。
React hooks for generating QRCode for your next React apps.
A free, open source bitmap font "BoutiqueBitmap7x7". 免費、開源的點陣字體《精品點陣體7×7》。 免费、开源的点阵字体《精品点阵体7×7》。
剔骨仿宋: Experimental Fang Song style Chinese font
Helper package for rendering Chinese fonts, including cross-platform Chinese font family fallback & dynamic font loader.
Create custom Google Fonts from page content
xibo 是一个为 Linux 设计的中文 TTY 字体,旨在在不安装诸如 cjktty 等内核补丁且不安装 kmscon、fbterm 或 zhcon 等第三方软件的环境下提供 TTY 中文显示。