Excalidraw-CN 是支持中文手写和多画布的 Excalidraw 白板工具。Excalidraw-CN is a whiteboard supporting Chinese hand draw font and multi-canvas based on Excalidraw.
ECCV2020 paper "Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation in the Wild"
MANO layer for PyTorch, generating hand meshes as a differentiable layer
A pre-trained YOLO based hand detection network.
#计算机科学#[cvpr19] Demo, training and evaluation code for generating dense hand+object reconstructions from single rgb images
A lightweight command line tool for calculating poker hand probabilities
[cvpr19] Hands+Objects synthetic dataset, instructions to download and code to load the dataset
WebAR.rocks hand detection and tracking
Code for ACCV 2020 "Speech2Video Synthesis with 3D Skeleton Regularization and Expressive Body Poses"
A small components library to use Rough.js in Vue.
Small experiment using Blender's armature/skeleton feature mixed with Three.JS to animate a simple hand
#计算机科学#Hand gesture interface for Desktop PC and Raspberry Pi.
Hand tracking with Google Mediapipe and Tensorflow demo app