Teaching and Learning Software Analysis via SVF
Social network analysis code examples for PyCon 2019 talk
The Health Data Consent Manager is an entity that acts as a consent collector for the Customer and mediates the Health Information data flows from the HIP to the recipient HIU or the Customer.
A next-generation secure smart contract language for Ethereum.
A Kalman Filter in Simulink for easier understanding.
Awas: A tool for model navigation, dependency analysis and risk analysis of component based systems
Very simple information flow aware compiler with Flex, Bison, LLVM, C/C++
The Agda mechanization of a gradual security-typed programming language with general mutable references.
Capstone project of the Coursera "Object Oriented Java Programming: Data Structures and Beyond" specialization. It investigates the cascading behavior (or information flow) within a social network.
MopedQLeak: Tool for Quantifying Information Flow in Probabilistic Recursive Programs
An extension of the Dafny programming language that adds the ability to perform information flow analysis on a code file. The method of information flow analysis allows the verification of concurrent ...
Bots detection on Twitter based on information flow and link analysis
A SELinux configuration language that extends CIL with information flow requirements: semantics and verifier
Software Security Projects : pentesting and static analysis
Trustee is a simple, statically typed, functional language that supports security primitives and taint analysis.
Using F* to prove non-interference for a well-typed subset of programs written in a small imperative language
Enforcing information flow in C-languages with Clang.