#安卓#ProGuard, Java optimizer and obfuscator
翻译 - ProGuard,Java优化器和混淆器
#安卓#It contains most of the Android utility classes.
ProGuard Maven plugin that supports modularised ProGuard packages
Minecraft Decompiler. A useful tool/library to deobfuscate and decompile Minecraft(or any jar file) through popular mappings and various decompilers. Or use it as a lib to process obfuscation mappings...
#安卓#:electron: dProtect is a Proguard-based obfuscator for Java and Kotlin
#安卓#Gradle Plugin - Obfuscator String Encryption (Android/Java)
Proguard Spring Boot Maven Plugin Example
#安卓#Android Secure SharedPreferences Using Facebook Conceal Encryption
通过分析类与成员间的关系来对抗Proguard混淆规则.Anti proguard through analysing classes and members' relationship
Provides an API to analyse and modify class dependencies. It provides the core to the maven shade plugin for removing unused classes.
#安卓#An Android Gradle plugin to remove all Kotlin Metadata annotations from the build output.
#安卓#Java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier
Prints the Kotlin metadata attached to Java class files