#安卓#The android tools 自己整理的常用的工具类
#安卓#It contains most of the Android utility classes.
🙏 提供时间轴转星座|生肖工具、系统存储空间获取工具、文件大小格式化工具、获取指定文件大小工具、AES加密解码工具(支持android端平台加密解密,java端和android端相互加密解密)、SharePreference操作工具、 File文件操作工具、日期获取和计算工具、界面跳转Intent操作工具、字符串验证和数值转换操作工具、手机震动工具、系统资源操作工具、网络检测工具、 w...
#安卓#[Android Library] Facilitating some very common functionalities in the form of utility classes for Android
#安卓#An Easy to use, customizable button for Android
#安卓#A Utils library to help developers
#安卓#Android Utility is combination of normal utility functions like described below in feature section. it has completely almost all features in order to make Android Utility easy to use for everyone and ...
#安卓#Eloquent Connection : Android light weight library, made up of two features Call and Network. It can be used in any Android project either using build script or adding aar file, with no need to declar...
#安卓#Android utility classes that I use in most of my Android projects
Android's Utils and Simple Views in Kotlin
#安卓#✈️ It is a fast and easy Android utility.
#安卓#Sample Android application that shows you how to take the screen shot of the application screen programmatically.
#安卓#Some base features for android app. Boost up your Developement.
A collection of utility classes to help reduce the code duplication and give access to commonly used methods.
#安卓#javapoet generate android common code