Gazebo/ROS packages for underwater robotics simulation
The open source platform for ROV, USV, robotic system operation, development, and expansion.
Stonefish - an advanced C++ simulation library designed for (but not limited to) marine robotics.
This project will evaluate simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) algorithms for fusing sonar with DVL and IMU to produce maps for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigation for underwater R...
Arduino library for the MS5837 pressure sensor.
ROS package implementing an interface for the Stonefish library.
A python module to interface with MS5837-30BA and MS5837-02BA waterproof pressure and temperature sensors.
ROS nodes to generate a turbulent plume in an underwater environment
Vehicle model description and configuration files for the RexROV 2 test underwater vehicle.
USU's third-generation autonomous submarine
Implementation of methodology described in ACM SIGCOMM CCR 48(1), pp. 19-27.
The simulation of various types of robot control systems is conducted by using Simulink, focusing on robot configuration design, kinematics and dynamics modeling, and controller design.
#安卓#Smartphone-controlled ROV