APM Planner Ground Control Station (Qt)
Precision landing using visual targets
BeagleBone ArduPilot DIY Cape
Howto use BeagleBone Blue with ArduPilot
A clear ArduPilot configuration sequence
MinimOSD firmware for OpenPilot/LibrePilot CC/CC3D/Atom/Revolution/Revo Nano, MAVLink (APM/Pixhawk PX4/Paparazzi/generic MAVLink), GPS u-blox, TauLabs, dRonin
Examples for the Library for Aircraft Dynamics And Control
GNC of a SWARM of UAVs in a SITL by Tom Antoine and Alex Martinez - Cranfield University AVDC MSc 2021
This repository contains esp8266 codes for espDrone project. This project aims to produce the cheapest drone using Arduino IDE
Implementation of Cartographer SLAM on a ROS based ArduCopter UAV
Universal PCB for interfacing with CAN bus
Infrastructure-free Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) for drones swarm localization. Performances comparison with trilateration algorithm
Incremental Passive Fault-Tolerant Control for Quadrotors With up to Three Successive Rotor Failures
Easy run multiple vehicles with Ardupilot SITL.
Boosted Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion for Intense Flexible Airplane Gust Load Alleviation
main commands, control scripts, swarm packages and other essentials
Project to convert a radio control car into an autonomous car.