A list of GOG Galaxy 2.0 integrations and upcoming features
翻译 - GOG Galaxy 2.0集成和即将发布的功能的列表
A simple telegram Bot, Upload Media File| video To telegram using the direct download link. (youtube, Mediafire, google drive, mega drive, etc)
GOG Galaxy 2.0 integration for the Amazon Games Launcher
Ansible module to manage packages from the AUR
HiCExplorer is a powerful and easy to use set of tools to process, normalize and visualize Hi-C data.
The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit. Documentation:
🐳📊📚 Docker Images tracking the stable Galaxy releases.
Ansible Role - Pip (for Python)
🚀 An open source multiplayer space strategy game.
An n-body type simulation using GPU acceleration to simulate galaxies, galaxy collisions and expanding universes.
Humble Bundle integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0
PyAutoLens: Open Source Strong Gravitational Lensing
4X Strategy game
Welcome to my full stack Next.js 14 space portfolio.
Revamp your Fortnite experience with our skin swapper designed for the latest version of Fortnite.
Update your requirements.yml with this grisly Ansible playbook.
Ansible Role - Supervisor
An archive of firmware images for the Galaxy Buds family. Flashable with the GalaxyBudsClient application.