An easy-to-use library for emulating memory dumps. Useful for malware analysis (config extraction, unpacking) and dynamic analysis in general (sandboxing).
#安卓#An improved version of AndroidNativeEmu,Allow running android elf on PC
翻译 - AndroidNativeEmu的改进版本,允许在PC上运行android elf
Automatically configure ESLint based on project dependencies
翻译 - 根据项目依赖关系自动配置ESLint
#安卓#unidbg-server 提供http api服务
A Sitecore utility designed to simplify deployment of Sitecore items across environments automatically
#Awesome#💙 React Native Web patterns, techniques, tips, and tricks ✨
Small tool for generating ropchains using unicorn and z3
A gdb like debugger that provide a runtime env to unicorn emulator and additionals features!
[채널톡 신입 합격, 연봉 5000 중반] 중고 거래부터 동네 정보까지 당근마켓을 모티브로 만든 중고거래 플랫폼 API 서버 토이 프로젝트
[카카오, 무신사 합격] 개인 간 신발 거래 서비스