This project is no longer actively maintained and has been archived for future reference. The react-based community network for amFOSS members
Automatically configure ESLint based on project dependencies
翻译 - 根据项目依赖关系自动配置ESLint
All-in-one solution for configuring ESLint in all of your projects
My RN starter kit with Redux and Redux Saga
Setup a sweet VS Code development environment for your ember project – ludicrously fast ⚡️⚡️⚡️
CRA Airbnb Eslint Integration without ejecting
eslint/prettier/other pre-configured and customisable create-react-app project
Minimal React Webpack Babel ESlint Prettier Setup
Back-end do projeto Saúde da Rua sob a tutoria da comunidade Tech Pro Bem.
Express generator boilerplate with Babel, ESLint Airbnb, SASS and Twig support.
VisionApps' shareable config for eslint.
Como configurar o ESLint em um projeto e adicionar regras lint para adequar as necessidades da aplicação. Contém algumas opções de estilo, mas contém regras melhor adequadas ao ESLint Airbnb.
How to set up Web-Dev Enviroment on M1 Mac
Shareable ESLint config, based on airbnb/javascript, bundled as a plugin
ESList configuration I use in personal and work projects. Airbnb w/ prettier, supports react & non-react, docker & dApps.
A template repository for new Typescript, Next.js, Emotion.js with Linting apps
This project uses react to consume GitHub APIs and render some features. Its has authoral components, but uses MaterialUiReact components too