CLI toolbox for common scripts for front-end projects
#前端开发#A personal Next JS 14+ boilerplate: Typescript + Chakra UI + Prettier + ESLint + Pre-commit (Husky + Lint-staged) + Cypress (e2e + component)
Setup a sweet VS Code development environment for your ember project – ludicrously fast ⚡️⚡️⚡️
🐣 Taro3 + Vue3 + Ts 多端编译模版
API em NodeJs usando Typescript, TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns e SOLID principles
Boilerplate Vite
E-comerce com as boas práticas de modelagem de software, Solid, Clean Code, POO, TDD e DDD
API Quotes InstaForex on React Native (React Native + React + ESLint + Prettier + StyleLint + Jest + PWA)
Registration Card on React (React + TypeScript + Next.js + Sass + PWA + ESlint + Prettier + StyleLint)
Trade history viewer web app on React (React + Redux + ESLint + Prettier + StyleLint + Jest + Enzyme + Cypress + Bootstrap + PWA)
ToDo App on React (React + Material UI + ESLInt + Webpack + Prettier + StyleLint + PWA)
Turborepo with Next.js v13, Storybook v7, Tailwind CSS v3, TanStack Query v4 and GraphQL Codegen. ⚡️ Made with DX first: TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + CommitLint + Lint-Staged.
A starter frontend boilerplate using Webpack 5, TailwindCSS, SASS, PostCSS, Babel, ESLint, Stylelint, Prettier and more.
My own portfolio build on React (React + Redux + SASS)
A starter frontend boilerplate using Webpack 5, Bootstrap 5, SASS, PostCSS, Babel, ESLint, Stylelint, Prettier and more.
Star DataBase on React (React + ESLint + Prettier + StyleLint + Bootstrap + PWA)
ToDo List API on React (React + Material UI + ESLInt + Prettier + StyleLint + PWA)
Next template with typescript.
Price List on React (React + ESlint + Prettier + StyleLint + PWA)
IEX Cloud API on React (React + Redux + Saga + Jest + ESlint + Prettier + StyleLint + Bootstrap + PWA)