My VS Code settings and extensions
⚡ VSCode Extension - Sync all of your VSCode settings across multiple devices.
Over a long period of time, I needed lots of modifications, I changed the look, features, extensions as well as theme. No theme is perfect for my personalization, so I customized a theme in my way. Al...
VS Code Setting (Live input output) to make competitive programming easy and program analysis !
#编辑器#Customize vscode to make it keyboard first as far as possible (inspired by neovim)
The most minimalistic setup for your VSCode 💦
Automation scripts for setting up a basic development environment.
Customizing the appearance of Visual Studio Code using the Custom CSS and JS Loader
🛠 Dotfiles for Visual Studio Code and Iterm2.
A collection of LaTeX templates in English/Chinese, with VS Code settings for LaTeX Workshop.
✨A guideline for configuring lots of tools to build your whole development environment, such as desktop, terminal, shell and editor.
🍙 Dotfiles I use for my Windows setup
用爬虫在全网范围内检索 VSCode 的优秀文章,聚合在此。平台包括 「CSDN」「掘金」「简书」「知乎」「SegmentFault」「博客园」「开源中国」「慕课手记」,相信无论你对 VSCode 目前了解到什么程度,这个项目都能帮到你。
Dotfiles & Developer Environment. Supports Ubuntu2004+, macOS Catalina+, Windows 10 w WSL
#编辑器#oh-my-zsh/zgen/powerlevel9k, neovim, brewfile, vscode, iterm2, macos settings
Setup a sweet VS Code development environment for your ember project – ludicrously fast ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Visual Studio Code Personal Preference Settings
VSCode sidebar themes Website where you can copy & share your Sidebar Themes.
My Windows 11 dotfiles
Superior power-charged settings for Visual Studio Code editor. 🚀