#安卓#Lottie 是在Android、iOS、Web、React Native上原生渲染的After Effects(AE)动画库
🏡 GraphQL server reference implementation (Airbnb clone) in Typescript using Prisma & graphql-yoga
翻译 - Type使用Prisma和graphql-yoga在Typescript中实现GraphQL服务器参考实现(Airbnb克隆)
#IOS#A self-taught project of learning Swift by making some of Airbnb's screens
Automatically configure ESLint based on project dependencies
翻译 - 根据项目依赖关系自动配置ESLint
A component to select period from calendar like Airbnb
This is a sample Android Application which has Google Map view similar to what AirBnb Android Application. Moving Markers like Uber/Ola. Custom Google Search for places. Recycler view with Animations ...
Hyperapp One is a Parcel boilerplate for quickstarting a web application with Hyperapp (V1), JSX, and Prettier.
ReserveLogic is an online booking platform / software for Real estate marketplace (Realty marketplace), Rental booking, Room sharing, Hotel booking, Office/Parking Space sharing, Car sharing, Bike sha...
Lottie interactive is a custom element adding multiple types of interactivity to Lottie animations.
#计算机科学#Training and Testing a Set of Machine Learning/Deep Learning Models to Predict Airbnb Prices for NYC