#安卓# A curated list of public TEE resources for learning how to reverse-engineer and achieve trusted code execution on ARM devices
Apache Teaclave (incubating) is an open source universal secure computing platform, making computation on privacy-sensitive data safe and simple.
Teaclave TrustZone SDK enables safe, functional, and ergonomic development of trustlets.
Main repository for the Veracruz privacy-preserving compute project, an adopted project of the Confidential Compute Consortium (CCC).
#安卓#Nailgun attack on ARM devices.
Reverse-engineering tools and exploits for Samsung's implementation of TrustZone
Design and program Arm-based embedded systems and implement them in low-level hardware using standard C and assembly language.
MultiZone® Security TEE is the quick and safe way to add security and separation to any RISC-V processors. The RISC-V standard ISA doesn't define TrustZone-like primitives to provide hardware separati...
HITCON electric badge for HITCON CMT 2019.
翻译 - HITCON CMT 2019的HITCON徽章。
mTower is Trusted Execution Environment specially designed to be used on MicroController Units (MCUs) supporting ARM TrustZone technology (e.g., Cortex-M23/33/35p). mTower operates well under restrict...
dump Exynos 8890 bootROM from Samsung Galaxy S7
A textbook on understanding system on chip design
Ghidra loader module for the Mobicore trustlet and driver binaries
MultiZone® Trusted Firmware is the quick and safe way to build secure IoT applications with any RISC-V processor. It provides secure access to commercial and private IoT clouds, real-time monitoring, ...
MultiZone® Security TEE for Arm® Cortex®-M is the quick and safe way to add security and separation to any Cortex-M based device. MultiZone® software can retrofit existing designs. If you don’t have T...
Minimal Zig-based app for Armv8-M + TrustZone