Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework
翻译 - Kubernetes本机无服务器框架
A Function as a Service tool makes a function as a container-based service in seconds.
翻译 - fx是一个框架,可帮助您在自己的服务器上轻松完成功能即服务
Apache Teaclave (incubating) is an open source universal secure computing platform, making computation on privacy-sensitive data safe and simple.
A Toolchain to make Build and Run eBPF programs easier
Collect papers about serverless computing research
Serverless computing platform with process-based lightweight function execution and container-based application isolation. Works in Knative and bare metal/VM environments.
⚡ Lightweight serverless framework for NodeJS
FogFlow is a standard-based IoT fog computing framework that supports serverless computing and edge computing with advanced programming models
FaaSFlow: Enable Efficient Workflow Execution for Function-as-a-Service
A suite of representative serverless cloud-agnostic (i.e., dockerized) benchmarks
λ Run PHP Coroutines & Fibers as-a-Service on the AWS Lambda.
STeLLAR: Open-source framework for serverless clouds benchmarking
QFaaS - A Serverless Function-as-a-Service Framework for Quantum Computing
Fnlib provides a simple specification that can be used to create and deploy FaaS.
FLY a Domain Specific Language for scientific computing on the Multi Cloud
Utilities for testing your Python functions for Scaleway Serverless Functions.
Call your OpenFaaS function from Node RED
Distributed, serverless cloud powered by browser tabs
The smart and burst tolerant Cloud of Things