Collection of sample apps showcasing popular use cases using Cloud Functions for Firebase
翻译 - 样本应用程序集合展示了使用Cloud Functions for Firebase的流行用例
High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform
翻译 - 高性能无服务器事件和数据处理平台
The easiest way to monetize your API. 🚀
A lightweight enterprise Function as a Service (FaaS) framework to write function based serverless and micro-service applications in hybrid multi-datacentre, on-premise and Azure environments.
#编辑器#Portable Scalable web code editor to integrate into your sites and learning experiences
Create, Deploy, and Run your applications on the edge
Serverless computing platform with process-based lightweight function execution and container-based application isolation. Works in Knative and bare metal/VM environments.
noear::一站式分布式服务治理中台。可以理解为微服务架构支持套件。5个服务包合计40m大小,超轻量级。功能相当于:consul + rabbitmq + elk + prometheus + openFaas + quartz +等等并有机结合在一起。对 k8s 友好,支持 ip 漂移、支持 k8s svc 映射。简单工作,早点下班:)
rFaaS: a high-performance FaaS platform with RDMA acceleration for low-latency invocations.
Dirigent: Lightweight Serverless Orchestration
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BlueNimble is a Hybrid Serverless Platform focusing on developer productivity and application portability. Create and run scalable APIs and applications without coding or by coding less. Focus on ap...
Swifty - Serverless platform for bots and application backend
Serverless Kubernetes examples, created for
The FaaSDom benchmark suite
Distributed, serverless cloud powered by browser tabs