Learning eBPF, published by O'Reilly - out now! Here's where you'll find a VM config for the examples, and more
A Toolchain to make Build and Run eBPF programs easier
A network packet info dumping tool like tcpdump based on `tc-bpf`.
iptables-trace is an eBPF enhanced iptables-TRACE alternative iptables TRACE. GPL-3.0 license
An iptables-like ACL implementation with eBPF.
Compile and Run eBPF with WASM (Development move to https://github.com/eunomia-bpf/eunomia-bpf)
eBPF bytecode mutator & deployment toolchain.
A bpf-based packet's latency distribution measurement tool. Apache 2.0 License
eBPF program that uses netlink TC to block outgoing connections from monitored processes
## Auto-archived due to inactivity. ## Golang client to communicate with the BTFHub online server
Inject latency to ping on server side. BSD-3 License
skbtracer on iptables based on eBPF. Apache License 2.0
Steps to build an eBPF based capability Prometheus exporter.