#安卓#Lightweight Multiplatform logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging facade.
#安卓#tinylog is a lightweight logging framework for Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Android
Productivity-oriented collection of lightweight fancy stuff for Scala toolchain
Automon combines the power of AOP (AspectJ) with monitoring or logging tools you already use to declaratively trace and monitor your Java code, the JDK, and 3rd party libraries.
The fastest logging library in the world. Built from scratch in Scala and programmatically configurable.
Unconventional Java code for building web servers / services without a framework. Think dropwizard but as a seed project instead of a framework. If this project had a theme it would be break the rules...
Structured Logging, Tracing, and Observability with Logback
sofa-common-tools is a library that provide some utility functions to other SOFA libraries.
java进阶开发,高级版web项目。基于dubbo实现分布式微服务架构,基于spring boot、spring mvc、mybatis、docker、ELK、redis、vue.js、node.js等技术实现的技术分享交流网站。网站名称:技术流,英文名:skill6。主要功能有:登录注册、单点登录、restful设计、文章及评论、代码及资源下载、主题讨论等。持续更新中...
Telegram/Slack notification system that creates small but important reports for employees
Fast, Small, JDK 21+, GraalVM native friendly SLF4J logging framework
A logger facilitating lazily-evaluated log calls via Kotlin's inline classes & functions.