Tiny data-over-sound library
翻译 - 微小的声音数据库
#计算机科学#A framework for high-performance medical image processing, neural network inference and visualization
Open source ultrasound processing modules and building blocks
Simplest ultrasonic ANTISPY voice recording jammer based on ATTINY13 / ATTINY85/45/25 / ARDUINO with PAM8403 / TPA3116D2 module driving piezo ultrasonic transducers (and optionally AD8933 signal gene...
SUPRA: Software Defined Ultrasound Processing for Real-Time Applications - An Open Source 2D and 3D Pipeline from Beamforming to B-Mode
Experiment using ultrasonic data transmission in JavaScript as a payment method. 💸
A JAX-based research framework for differentiable and parallelizable acoustic simulations, on CPU, GPUs and TPUs
#计算机科学#Open source lung ultrasound (LUS) data collection initiative for COVID-19.
smallish ice40 / raspberrypi ultrasound hardware
Minimalist library for Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04, PING))) and Seeed SEN136B5B to Arduino
Tool to prevent eavesdropping and ultrasonic access of your smart phone.
A Python interface to k-Wave GPU accelerated binaries
Ultrasonic networking - Transmitting TCP/IP via Ultrasound
Device-Free Gesture Tracking Using Acoustic Signals, MobiCom 2016
CMU 18545 FPGA project -- Multi-channel ultrasound data acquisition and beamforming system.
#计算机科学#MICCAI 2023 code for the paper: Feature-Conditioned Cascaded Video Diffusion Models for Precise Echocardiogram Synthesis. EchoDiffusion is a collection of video diffusion models trained from scratch o...
Sharing scripts and functions for OPUS-PALA article, and LOTUS Software. All functions are usable with agreement from their owner.
Simulation of Ultrasound signals on a 3D Brain model using K-Wave toolbox. Plus simple ultrassound focusing algorithm.