qrx 是一个开源的软件定义无线电(SDR)接收器,使用GNU Radio 和Qt GU I工具包实现
GNSS-SDR, an open-source software-defined GNSS receiver
RFSec-ToolKit is a collection of Radio Frequency Communication Protocol Hacktools.无线通信协议相关的工具集,可借助SDR硬件+相关工具对无线通信进行研究。Collect with ♥ by HackSmith
Software-defined radio receiver application built on GNU Radio with a web-based UI and plugins. In development, usable but incomplete. Compatible with RTL-SDR.
PyBOMBS (Python Build Overlay Managed Bundle System) is the GNU Radio install management system for resolving dependencies and pulling in out-of-tree projects.
Jam and replay attack on vehicle keyless entry systems.
Pothos SDR windows development environment
Multimode SDR transceiver for GNU radio
A web-based SDR toolkit for analyzing, processing, and sharing RF recordings