qrx 是一个开源的软件定义无线电(SDR)接收器,使用GNU Radio 和Qt GU I工具包实现
Pothos SDR windows development environment
A frequency scanner for Gqrx Software Defined Radio receiver
Customizable GNU Radio Environment for Live Images and VMs
Control GRQX to scan frequencies or from channels using the GQRX Bookmark or CSV file
A rust implementation of rtl-tcp with better buffering and support for systemd socket activation.
Build and configuration scripts for the Skywave Linux distribution.
Painting some funny pictures on your Spectrogram!
Docker blueprint for GQRX with PlutoSDR support
Bridge between Yaesu FT-950 and GQRX to use GQRX as panadapter for FT-950.
Script that drives gqrx via telnet to implement frequency scanning
rsked automatically plays fm-radio/internet/recorded audio on a weekly schedule, suitable for embedded use