Modular Open Source Radio Firmware
A GUI application for configuring and programming cheap DMR radios under Linux and MacOS X.
R package for Inference of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) from bisulfite sequencing
Motorola MotoTRBO DMR protocols research project.
tools for decoding digital ham communication
pistar-lastqso is a tool to monitor DMR, YSF (including DMR2YSF and YSF2DMR cross-modes), D-Star, NXDN, and P25 traffic on a PI-STAR node, either via SSH, or, on an HDMI-connected console.
Run a DMR network server with a frontend, authentication, private and group calls and a parrot all in a single binary
Tools for an open Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) repeater network.
DMR user database BETA for Ailunce, Anytone, Tytera and Pi-Star (autogenerated every 30 minutes)
Tools to work with firmware and SPI flash data of DM-1702 and DM-X radios
MOTOTRBO zone file generator from BrandMeister repeater list.