A fork of the Eclipse project used to generate distributable binaries, extended to include the Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins. The archive of previous packages is also here, as Releases.
The shadowrun 5 rich client platfrom is a model driven project for managing shadowrun resources. A shadowrun 5 character generator for example ...
An easy-to-use desktop application to manage OSGi frameworks remotely
Eclipse RAP Runtime (Remote Application Platform)
Extensible page description language for SWT written as a Scala internal DSL. Incldes style sheets, data binding, more... Presentation here: http://www.coconut-palm-software.com/pix/scala_declarativ...
Miscellaneous tasks that were found useful when building MPS-based projects with Gradle.
A Monero RPC Wallet client implementation written in Go (Golang)
Document Management System (DMS) based on graphtheory
Open Source ZigBee stack designed to run on a host and communicate with a radio co-processor (RCP)
Eclipse plugin that enables the programmatic creation of Java classes.
TapiJI represents a set of smart tools that integrate into the Eclipse IDE for Java developers with the goal to reduce effort of Internationalization. This is accomplished by creating a productive env...