flat 是一个在线教室开源项目,具有多功能互动白板、实时音视频通话、课堂录制回放、屏幕共享等功能。支持Web、Windows 和 macOS客户端
A self-hosted SPA to simplify course creation and management
👨🏻🏫 — Learnify adalah website edukasi yang dilengkapi video, materi dan sistem ujian yang tersedia secara gratis ditujukan agar para siswa dan guru dapat terus belajar dan mengajar dimana saja dan...
翻译 - Syauqi Zaidan Khairan Khalaf创建的开源教育网站。 Learnify是一个教育性网站,配备了旨在使视频尽可能有吸引力和简单的视频和资料。 Learnify的目的是让学生和老师可以在任何地方,任何时间继续学习和教书。
SCORM API for Content. JavaScript library, QUnit tests and examples.
Official CrypTool 2 (CT2) repository. CT2 is an open-source software for learning about cryptography and cryptanalysis interactively. CT2 provides a comprehensive suite of tools to deeply explore algo...
前后端分离,基于Java+Vue3开发的分布式在线学习平台。 可以帮助个人、企业或机构快速搭建一个在线学习平台,满足企业的在线教学、在线培训、企业内训等需求。
This project is a online learning platform that connects teachers and students. Teachers can upload educational videos, and students can access and watch these videos at their own pace. The platform a...
A Complete Guide to the JAMstack and React E-Commerce
Tareas resueltas de 1º dam/daw, 2º dam y 2º daw.
#学习与技能提升#Main core for SWAD platform (Social Workspace At a Distance)
📕▶️🎓 corsego.com Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020. Online learning platform (aka Udemy clone)
An E Learning Website In PHP with Chat Feature through AJAX
#IOS#Cloudmate - An open-source online learning platform built with Flutter. Create classes, quizzes, and assignments, take attendance, and communicate with students. Easy to install and use. 👋