A handheld computer programmed in Lisp with a self-contained keyboard and display.
翻译 - 用Lisp编程的手持计算机,具有独立的键盘和显示屏。
Arduino clone based on the ATmega644P/ATmega1284P
Kiwi Technology TLM922S-P01A LoRaWAN Module シリーズのための実装(for Arduino IDE)
vga output for arduino boards using sinclair zx spectrum video model
OLED : SOLOMON SYSTECH SSD1306 (I2C) small driver for Arduino
2018: The ATMega1284P Guitar and Music Effects Pedal: Port of the Arduino Uno ATMega328 Pedalshield ( developed by Electrosmash and Open Music Labs) to the ATMega1284P which has 8 times more RAM than ...
DDS for SSB 6.1 transceiver based on Si5351A, ST7735 and ATMEGA1284P
Build a controller board for a 3D printer.
Some small LED-blinking test programs for the AVR microcontrollers
2018: ATMega1284 Quad Opamp Effects Box: The Stomp Shield for Arduino from Open Music Labs use an Arduino Uno and four opamps as a guitar effects box. Similar to the other ATMega1284 repository that s...
Universal Arduino based data logger to SDcard.
longitudinal counter using atmega1284p and esp32
max7291 led matrix