Industry-standard navigation-mesh toolset for games
翻译 - 游戏导航网格工具集
Unity NavMesh 2D Pathfinding
Distributed Java game server, including cluster management server, gateway server, hall server, game logic server, background monitoring server and a running web version of fishing. State machine, beh...
A lockstep solution include lots of deterministic library (Math,Collision,Navmesh,BehaviorTree,Serialization ...)
Scripting the Timeline for games in creative ways. Includes a small RTS game build on the 'A Mighty Kingdom' assets
DotRecast - a port of Recast & Detour, Industry-standard navigation mesh toolset for .NET, C#, Unity3D, games, servers
A fully dynamic planar navmesh for Unity supporting agents of any size
Java Port of Recast & Detour navigation mesh toolset
Alternative to Unity's NavMesh system where the agents avoid each other.
A runtime Nav-Mesh generation plugin for Bevy Engine in Rust.
A lockstep ARPG demo for LockstepEngine
First person shooter with Unity terrain and AI pathfinding (
This project provides unity scripts to export navmesh data into tile cache files that can be used directly by recastnavigation
Custom Nav Mesh Avoidance to replace default one in Unity.
UniRecast - navigation mesh toolset for Unity3D using DotRecast