Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succin...
翻译 - Mockery是一个简单而灵活的PHP模拟对象框架,可用于与PHPUnit,PHPSpec或任何其他测试框架进行单元测试。其核心目标是提供一个具有简洁API的测试双重框架,该API能够使用人类可读的领域特定语言(DSL)明确定义所有可能的对象操作和交互。
An Xcode extension (plugin) to generate Swift test doubles automatically.
Service Virtualized HTTP - to help service test automation stay fast and consistent
A Swift test double library. Guava - looks like an apple but it's not.
Servirtium Overview
Reusable standard mocks and fakes for popular browser and Node.js APIs, framework/library objects for Jest
A Python version of Servirtium
Test Double library for Cincom Visualworks Smalltalk.
Simple test doubles over the wire
Solve BankOCR using Outside-in TDD.
Test doubles (Dummy, Stub, Fake, Mock, Spy) with Kotlin
Companion project to
A C# version of Servirtium for .NET usage
Simple App to introduce Clean Architecture first concepts
Ruby version of Servirtium (not started yet)