🔧 Utility library for GraphQL to build, stitch and mock GraphQL schemas in the SDL-first approach
翻译 - :wrench:使用模式语言构建,模拟和缝合GraphQL模式
A federated api gateway for graphql services. https://gateway.nautilus.dev/
Auto-generated SDK for your GraphQL API (supports schema stitching & codegen)
翻译 - 自动为您的GraphQL API生成的SDK(支持架构拼接和代码生成)
NestJS example with using GraphQL (schema stitching, schema reload, dataloader, upload files, subscriptions, response cache), RabbitMQ, Redis, Websocket, JWT authentication, ESLint 9
Guided examples exploring GraphQL Tools v6+ Schema Stitching
Embed GitHub's GraphQL API into your server application
🪡 GraphQL Schema Stitching - Combine any kind of GraphQL APIs into one larger API without vendor-locking
Performant remote GraphQL queries from within the resolvers of a Ruby GraphQL API.
GraphQL Schema Stitching for Ruby
Schema Stitching Example with Hasura GraphQL + MetaWeather API
💾 GraphQL Server examples: File API
Embed Yelp's GraphQL API into your server application
Generic implementation of schema directives for GraphQL Ruby
Schema Stitching example using GraphQL Braid
A set of tools to help you build a GraphQL Gateway using remote schemas and schema stitching.
Format Federation SDL documents for use in a Schema Stitching gateway.
Synapse is an open-source tool to build, deploy, and monitor a GraphQL Gateway, putting legacy APIs behind a single GraphQL endpoint.
NestJS example with GraphQL, schema stitching, schema reload, dataloader