Ruby implementation of GraphQL
翻译 - GraphQL的Ruby实现
⚡ Powerful tool for avoiding N+1 DB or HTTP queries
Simple authorization gem for GraphQL 🔒
A caching plugin for graphql-ruby
翻译 - graphql-ruby的缓存插件
graphql-ruby plugin for caching parts of the response
Simple error handler for GraphQL Ruby ❗
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by Next.js and Ruby on Rails 🏅
Minimize N+1 queries generated by GraphQL and ActiveRecord
A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. We are using Graphql server and relay for our react component data needs.
[Maintainers Wanted] Ruby implementation of GraphQL trace data in the Apollo Tracing format
"「GraphQL」徹底入門 ─ RESTとの比較、API・フロント双方の実装から学ぶ" のサンプルコード
翻译 - 全面介绍“ GraphQL”─与REST比较,从API和前端实现中学习
Performant remote GraphQL queries from within the resolvers of a Ruby GraphQL API.
Exemplary real world backend GraphQL API built with Ruby on Rails
A sweet, extended DSL written on top of the graphql-ruby gem.
GraphQL Schema Stitching for Ruby
Instant GraphQL REST-API for Rails from ActiveRecord or Mongoid models
Run group- and aggregation queries with graphql-ruby
Generate GraphQL Types and Mutations For Rails Apps
Measure and understand how good your GraphQL-Ruby application works