Awesome Ruby and Rails Open Source applications 🌈
Keygen is a fair source software licensing and distribution API built with Ruby on Rails. For developers, by developers.
API boilerplate project for Ruby on Rails 7
翻译 - Ruby On Rails 5的API样板项目
A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, i18n and more.
JWT authentication solution for Rails APIs
Rails 5 RESTful api template
The devise-api gem is a convenient way to add authentication to your Ruby on Rails application using the devise gem. It provides support for access tokens and refresh tokens, which allow you to authen...
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by Next.js and Ruby on Rails 🏅
Base64 support for ActiveStorage
The fastest way to prototype API in your Rails application
翻译 - 在Rails应用程序中对API进行原型开发的最快方法
Write request and response migrations for Stripe-like versioning of your Ruby on Rails API. Make breaking changes without breaking things!
A basic docker-compose, Rails and React / Webpack starter kit
Guías de Rails en Español (Rails 5) Estas son las guías de Rails 5 en Español (Guías Completas, con todos los Capítulos). Estas guías están diseñadas para que tengas una productividad inmediata con R...
Invoiced Demo app for Rails API and React Foundation
An abstract API design as a Rails-based mountable engine