#安全#JANUSEC Application Gateway provides secure access, including reverse proxy, K8S Ingress Controller, Automatic ACME Certificate, WAF, 5-Second Shield, CC Defense, OAuth2 Authentication, Global Server ...
Jupiter is a high-performance 4-layer network load balance service based on DPDK.
Lightweight Java SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance
Lightweight Go SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance
Implement an online programming system similar to LeetCode. Multiple compilation service hosts (CR hosts) can be deployed in the background, and then oj_server service will load balance a large number...
An improved gRPC client with lots of helpful features.
Lightweight C++ SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance
🐳 A playground for Docker with Nginx and Express.
Non-offical implementation of Spring Cloud feign. Cooperate with HikoQiu/go-eureka-client to load-balance send HTTP request to instances registered in Eureka server.
A library of composable layers that is designed to provide client-side load balancing for (but not limited to) HTTP client-server communication, using Consul as the service discovery layer
Torify the system with multiple tor exit nodes and load balance.
Offloading DOCA-based Adaptive Routing onto NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU. (卸载基于DOCA的自适应路由到NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU上)
Learning in Noisy MDP (which is governed by stochastic, exogenous input processes) with input-dependent baseline
Learning different methods for IP look-ups and load-balancing
Dynamic Load Balancing demo for introducing OpenResty.
Pass 4 labs more than 1, 000 times without failure.