ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy (and modern) JavaScript engines
翻译 - 适用于旧式(和现代)JavaScript引擎的ECMAScript 5兼容性垫片
Blissful JavaScript
A step by step guide to learn JavaScript and programming. These videos may help too:
#前端开发#기술 문서 정리하는 저장소
翻译 - 技术文件资料库
Guía de Estilo para programar con JavaScript, en español. Apoyo es bienvenido :)
An Instagram-clone with my own flavors and features. Own the project with 5 simple steps!! 📸💝☢️ - No longer maintained.
Progressive Web App Manifest Generator for Webpack, with auto icon resizing and fingerprinting support.
ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM
📎 ES5 + ES6 + CoffeeScript + TypeScript design patterns with some theory, real-world examples and UML diagrams
A package to help you find out which of your node_modules aren't ES5 so you can add them to your Webpack/Rollup/Parcel transpilation steps.
ES5 ARIA Accordion Component
#算法刷题#Solved entire Easy, few Medium Problems. A total of 171/563 challenges solved by JavaScript
This plugin simplifies the creation of script tags for module and nomodule for a webpack multi build configuration
Text to IPA converter in JavaScript