An ongoing curated list of frameworks, books, articles, talks, screencasts, recordings, libraries, learning tutorials and resources about Ruby Development.
A minimal, mildly opinionated framework for writing books using Pandoc and Rake
A make-like utility built for PHP.
PostgreSQL ToolKit for Ruby apps: Liquibase + Rake + Connection Pool
Desafio para capacitar pessoas no desenvolvimento com a linguagem Ruby
#编辑器#Provisioning for a new MacOS machine from scratch
Cloudformation coding: my sandbox.
This simple script helps create an executable ruby script, along with the supporting unit test script and Rakefile.
A sample command line application in ruby to view, edit, add and delete fields in a resume stored in JSON format.
A sample command line application in ruby to view, edit, add and delete fields in a resume stored in JSON format.
Template integrates both Docker and Gemfile Ruby Rake to Azure DevOps Starter.