Silly CLI micro-framework based on Symfony Console
Shell autocompletion for Symfony Console based scripts
Automatic tab-key completion for Symfony console application options, arguments and parameters
A code generator for Drupal.
This is the legacy version of's command-line interface. The new version is at:
Slim 4 Authorization Tutorial
(Oh My) ZSH symfony/console Completion Plugin
Cygnite PHP Framework- A Modern Toolkit For Web Developers
ReactPHP Shell, based on the Symfony Console component.
A tool to run drush commands on multi-site Drupal installations.
♻️ Nette-based console commands for latte, DIC, MVC, security, utils and many others.
A Shell+PHP wrapper to run Symfony console commands in loop under a daemon or Kubernetes
Show nice equivalent to debug_backtrace(), with caller, code preview etc.
Console application for Kimai remote access - time-tracking via bash
Slides for "Building for the PHP Command Line Interface"
Artisanize your Symfony Console commands
Laravel Logging output for your artisan commands