WordPress LEMP stack with PHP 8.2, Composer, WP-CLI and more
翻译 - WordPress LEMP堆栈的Ansible剧本
One-click WordPress plugin that converts all posts, pages, taxonomies, metadata, and settings to Markdown and YAML which can be dropped into Jekyll (or Hugo or any other Markdown and YAML based site e...
翻译 - 一键式WordPress插件,可将所有帖子,页面,分类法,元数据和设置转换为Markdown和YAML,可以将其放入Jekyll中
Run WordPress with nginx using Docker Compose.
翻译 - 使用Docker Compose在Nginx上运行WordPress。
WordPress multi-environment config
翻译 - WordPress多环境配置
A collection of tools to help with PHP command line utilities
Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx
A better wp-cron. Horizontally scalable, works perfectly with multisite.
Wordpress Docker container using SSL Certificates with LetsEncrypt
Disables external data calls and loading for working on a purely local (i.e. no internet connection) WordPress site
Smooth product, customer and order generation for WooCommerce
The Pantheon CLI — a standalone utility for performing operations on the Pantheon Platform
翻译 - Pantheon CLI —一个独立的实用程序,用于在Pantheon平台上执行操作
Quickly identify what's slow with WordPress
WordPress container with Nginx 1.26 & PHP-FPM 8.3 based on Alpine Linux
The Best Local Dev Server for WordPress Developers
#Awesome#A curated list of packages and resources for WP-CLI, the command-line interface for WordPress.