Linux anti-debugging and anti-analysis rust library
C# Anti-Debug and Anti-Dumping techniques using Win32 API functions and tricks.
.NET Project containing plenty of advanced techniques to detect various types of malicious actions on your software, with syscall support.
Anti-debugging techniques on a (bad looking) Win32 application.
A quick way to check for the presence of dnSpy hooks in memory
Anti Virtulization, Anti Debugging, AntiVM, Anti Virtual Machine, Anti Debug, Anti Sandboxie, Anti Sandbox, VM Detect package.
.Net Framweork and .Net Core Anti Debugging to stop multiple malicious tools and hooks on your software.
This application is designed to help users recover lost or forgotten data such as Wi-Fi passwords, browser data, browser passwords, and other sensitive information from their computers.
Example of a functional anti debugger, protector.
Several classes that give you Protection for your .NET Application. Includes DestroyerProtection Lib, for other languages.
Golang Simple Anti Debugger & Anti Http Debugger
POC about how to detect windows kernel debug by pool tag.
.NET & Native crypter with modern GUI