#人脸识别#JavaScript API 人脸识别,基于 tensorflow.js
#计算机科学#NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js
翻译 - 通过TensorFlow.js在客户端进行NSFW检测
#人脸识别#Blendshape and kinematics calculator for Mediapipe/Tensorflow.js Face, Eyes, Pose, and Finger tracking models.
翻译 - 用于 Mediapipe/Tensorflow.js 面部、眼睛、姿势和手部跟踪模型的 Blendshape 和运动学求解器。
A repository for storing models that have been inter-converted between various frameworks. Supported frameworks are TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, OpenVINO, TFJS, TFTRT, TensorFlowLite (Float32/16/INT8), ...
翻译 - A repository that shares tuning results of trained models generated by TensorFlow / Keras. Post-training quantization (Weight Quantization, Integer Quantization, Full Integer Quantization, Float16 Quantization), Quantization-aware training. TensorFlow Lite. OpenVINO. CoreML. TensorFlow.js. TF-TRT. MediaPipe. ONNX. [.tflite,.h5,.pb,saved_model,tfjs,tftrt,mlmodel,.xml/.bin, .onnx]
#人脸识别#Human: AI-powered 3D Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Body Pose Tracking, 3D Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction, Gaze Tracking,...
翻译 - Human: AI-powered 3D Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Body Pose Tracking, 3D Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction, Gaze Tracking, Gesture Recognition
#计算机科学#JS Expert Week 7.0 - 🙅🤏🏻 Controlling Streaming Platforms using Eye and Hand Detection 👁🖐
#计算机科学#Convert TensorFlow, Keras, Tensorflow.js and Tflite models to ONNX
Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
翻译 - 网络增强现实。图像跟踪、面部跟踪。 Tensorflow.js
A free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content built using TypeScript and TensorFlow.js.
翻译 - Google Chrome / Firefox扩展程序,可阻止您使用TensorFlow JS加载的网页中的NSFW图像。
🔎 Search the information available on a webpage using natural language instead of an exact string match.
翻译 - using使用自然语言而不是完全匹配的字符串搜索网页上可用的信息。
XR Animator, AI-based Full Body Motion Capture and Extended Reality (XR) solution, powered by System Animator Online
Run JavaScript and TypeScript in node.js within VS Code notebooks with excellent support for debugging, tensorflowjs visulizations, plotly, danfojs, etc
#计算机科学#PyTorch to Keras model convertor
#安卓#Real-time portrait segmentation for mobile devices
#计算机科学#In this repository, I have developed the entire server-side principal architecture for real-time stock market prediction with Machine Learning. I have used Tensorflow.js for constructing ml model arch...
翻译 - 在此存储库中,我已经开发了用于通过Machine Learning进行实时股票市场预测的整个服务器端主体架构。我已经使用Tensorflow.js来构建ml模型架构,并使用Kafka进行实时数据流传输和流水线操作。
#前端开发#👀 Use machine learning in JavaScript to detect eye movements and build gaze-controlled experiences.
翻译 - 👀在JavaScript中使用机器学习来检测眼睛的运动并建立注视控制的体验。
🌸这是一个有趣的前端趣味知识公园~该项目是我平时捣鼓前端相关技术的一些案例集合。【涵盖:(Tensorflow.js-姿态识别,人脸识别),(WebRTC-音视频通话,录屏,虚拟背景,信令服务器),(Threejs-太阳系,3D 动画),(图片处理-千图成像,图片压缩,画板),(隐写术-文本隐写加密,图片隐写加密)等等...】
微信小程序运行 TensorFlow 的 Demo
#计算机科学#A project to make Amazon Echo respond to sign language using your webcam
#计算机科学#Github action that checks the toxicity level of comments and PR reviews to help make repos safe spaces.